Ode to Old Dogs
Today, time with old dogs is very much on my mind. An emergency trip to the vet with my old dog, Coach, reminds me of the sacredness of time with our senior friends. Some years ago, I had written an “Ode to Old Dogs” and today I wanted to reread those words. I was amazed to discover that I wrote that piece, inspired by another, beloved dog, fifteen years ago, to the day.
I’m declaring April 4, “Old Dogs Day.”
For today, Coach is okay. And today, I’m reminded that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. So today - like all days - it’s a good day to be grateful for my old dogs, for all old dogs, for old dogs are treasures. They are the champions.
ODE TO OLD DOGS - April 4, 2009
Recently, I had a moment of truth.
I looked at my beloved Lenny and realized his eyebrows had turned a distinguished, silvery shade of grey – or had they? Weren’t they always this color? After all, he is a blue merle dog! I rushed to find a photo of Lenny from his younger years, hoping it would confirm that Lenny’s silky fur was not showing signs of age. From the photo, a youthful Lenny looked out. No silver eyebrows there! I realized Lenny’s once boldly mottled fur had become muted as time had drifted by.
Lenny has always been an “old soul” – one of those dogs who conveys a vibe of all-knowing calm. He’s been my sidekick for many years. About twelve years ago, he showed up on my doorstep as a spindly, teenage stray, so thin and lithe that at first glance I thought he was a doe and not a dog. As I look back on his adolescence, a time when many dogs are abandoned or rehomed because of unruly behavior, I remember Lenny as being near perfect. The chewed corners of my coffee table do attest to a few transgressions here and there - but those days are long gone and a small price to pay for the privilege of having my now old dog.
Old dogs are treasures. Their soft eyes are windows to their gentle souls. Their greying muzzles are testaments to their success with learning how to navigate the human world. Their slower gait allows them, and us, to breathe more deeply. I believe it is our greatest privilege to be able to love and care for our old dogs.
I have often said that if I win the lottery or inherit riches from a long lost relative, I’d build a sanctuary for homeless, older dogs. It’s a tragedy that our world is full of senior dogs who are left to complete their lives alone. So many people bypass older dogs when looking for a furry friend. Yet old dogs are faithful, gentle, and calm. Old dogs are champions.
As I look at my beloved Lenny, his silver eyebrows remind me how quickly time flies by. How precious is each and every day with my loving, loved, and loyal friend! The past is full of fun and frolic, defined by youthful zest. But today – this day with my old dog – is the best day and gift of all. Thank you, Lenny, for being my champion, my treasure, my friend. Thank you, Lenny, for being my old dog.
Postsript: Lenny died on January 13, 2011. I miss him every day. See you again, Lenny, in the stars, in the heavens, where I see your spirit shining bright.